Hinson-Hasty, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty discusses in this video the origins of her sabbatical
project, “Dutiful Love: Empowering Individuals and Families Affected by Serious
Mental Illness.” Between June 2018 and August 2019, she conducted interviews
with siblings growing up in families affected by serious mental illness and
explored the caregiving responsibilities that they and other family members
were asked to take on. Family caregivers for people with serious mental illness
experience a great deal of stress, both emotionally and financially, and due to
the disproportionate time investment required to care for the needs of one
family member, find it difficult to join in activities with others. Parents and
siblings fear social exclusion, feel emotionally isolated, and are prone to
conceal the serious mental illness from others in order to protect themselves.
She highlights the testimony of siblings and introduces the influence of
Christian theology on concepts of dutiful love.