0 1,468
This shows you how to retrieve a video's embed code, then place that into Moodle so the video appears on the Moodle course page.
1 181
0 233
0 236
Join Julie AB for an informal tour of Miles Hall. Miles Hall houses the nursing program faculty, Simulation Center, and classrooms. Part I of III
0 1,690
What is Kaltura? What can it do? Where is it?
0 116
0 523
0 85
0 164
Join the Director of our Honors Program, Jon Blandford, and current students to learn more about the opportunities available to you as a member of the Honors Program at Bellarmine.
04:03duration 4 minutes 3 seconds
Video - Restraints
From Dana McNeeley
02:56duration 2 minutes 56 seconds
Video - Aspiration Precautions
02:52duration 2 minutes 52 seconds
Video - Seizure Precautions