From Adam Elias
Want to collaborate? This video shows how you can add another person to your video as a Co-Publisher or Co-Editor. -
From Adam Elias
Did you know that Kaltura allows you to easily string videos together for a choose-your-own-adventure kind of experience? You can present the viewer with choices… -
From Adam Elias
Kaltura automatically adds captions and a transcript to any video you upload. It's generally accurate, but rarely 100%. This video shows you how to easily access… -
From Adam Elias
This shows you how to retrieve a video's embed code, then place that into Moodle so the video appears on the Moodle course page. -
From Adam Elias
Kaltura Capture is the robust standalone application for producing recordings that involve a combination of your computer screen and/or your webcam, along with audio. … -
From Adam Elias
Anywhere in Moodle where you can enter text, you can record and post a video, using Kaltura! This tutorial shows you how.